Farnsworth D Floor Amendment
Reference to: GOVERNMENT Committee amendment
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Requires a condominium unit owners' association and planned community association (HOA) to provide each owner with a semi-annual statement of account at the beginning and midpoint of the HOA's fiscal year, rather than annual, statement of account.
2. Allows HOAs with annual assessments prior to January 1, 2020, to send annual, rather than semi-annual, statements of account.
3. Requires HOAs to send a 30-day collection activity notice to an owner by first class mail, rather than certified or regular mail.
4. Requires an HOA to provide statements of account and statements of delinquent account regardless of whether the HOA provides other statements, coupons, notices or communications that may be sent to an owner.
5. Requires, rather than allows, an HOA to stop providing statements of delinquent account once an owner has paid the full balance of all assessments and fees.
6. Requires an HOA to stop providing statements of delinquent account once an HOA receives notice that an owner has filed a petition in bankruptcy.
7. Removes language authorizing an HOA to charge an owner for the direct cost of providing a statement of account or statement of delinquent account.
8. Specifies that an owner must keep a current e-mail address on record with the association in order to opt to electronically receive statements of account or statements of delinquent account.
9. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1001
(Reference to GOVERNMENT Committee amendment)
Page 4, line 12, after the period strike remainder of line
Line 13, strike "within the United States,"; strike "certified" insert "first class"; strike the comma
Strike lines 14 and 15, insert ". The"
Line 27, after "and" strike remainder of line
Line 28, strike the first "association" insert "notwithstanding other statements, coupons, notices or other communications that may be sent to a unit owner"
Line 29, strike "annually. The annual" insert "twice a year, unless the assessment was paid annually before JANUARY 1, 2020, in which case only an annual statement of account is required to be sent. At the BEGINNING of each association fiscal year and at the midpoint of each association's fiscal year, the semiannual"
Page 5, line 1, strike "may" insert "shall"
Line 3, after the second "fees" insert "or during the pendency of a bankruptcy after an association RECEIVES notice that a unit owner has filed a petition in bankruptcy"
Line 4, after "person" insert "or entity"
Line 5, strike "who" insert "that"
Line 6, after the period strike remainder of line
Strike lines 7 and 8, insert "If"
Line 9, strike "annual" insert "semiannual"
Line 10, after "means" insert ", and the unit owner keeps a CURRENT email address on record with the association"
Line 12, strike "annual"
Page 9, line 7, after the period strike remainder of line
Line 8, strike "states,"; strike "certified" insert "first class"; strike ", return receipt"
Strike lines 9 and 10, insert ". The notice and may be"
Line 22, after "and" strike remainder of line
Line 23, strike the first "association" insert "notwithstanding other statements, coupons, notices or other communications that may be sent to a member"
Line 24, strike "annually. The annual" insert "twice a year, unless the assessment was paid annually before JANUARY 1, 2020, in which case only an annual statement of account is required to be sent. At the BEGINNING of each association fiscal year and at the midpoint of each association's fiscal year, the semiannual"
Line 29, strike "may" insert "shall"
Line 31, after the second "fees" insert "or during the pendency of a bankruptcy after an association RECEIVES notice that a member has filed a petition in bankruptcy"
Line 32, strike "who" insert "or entity that"
Page 10, line 1, after the period strike remainder of line
Strike lines 2 and 3, insert "if the association"
Line 4, strike "annual" insert "semiannual"
Line 5, after "means" insert ", and the member keeps a current email address on record with the association"
Line 6, strike "annual"
Amend title to conform